Fatima Zahra district (Primary interview Sedira Abdullah) Tebessa

Our Craftsmanship

Handicraft and crafts

Traditional industry and crafts mean every production, creativity, transformation, technical restoration, maintenance, repair or service performance activity dominated by manual labor and practices:

Principally and permanently,
– In a stable, mobile or transverse form, in one of the following areas of activities
– Handicraft and handicraft art.
– Handicraft industry for the production of materials.
– Handicraft services.

According to the following methods:
– either individually,
– Or within a cooperative for handicrafts and crafts.
– Or within a contract for traditional industry and crafts.

The list of handicraft and handicraft activities contains 338 handicraft activities spread over 03 fields.

Among the most important traditional products that our state is famous for are the following:

The embroidered carpet

The rug is an important gain for the Tibessian community, as the state is famous for this traditional craft, which is one of the most important components of every Tibesian house, which depends on natural wool in its manufacture and on skilled hands in its manufacture, due to its role in decorating homes. , each of which is significant , as it is characterized by the red color , which is dominated cans.

Traditional Tebesian clothes

The state of Tebessa is characterized by being a pastoral area in which the raw material for the manufacture of woolen textiles is available, especially the worn ones, where the bernous is considered one of the most important men’s clothing in addition to the qasaba, while the Tebessa woman is characterized by her clothing with the traditional mlehfa, which is usually associated with traditional jewelry made of silver in addition to the adoption of women Al-Tabsiyah in periods before Al-Hayek, which is considered one of the manifestations of modesty and decency.

Traditional Tebessia Jewelery

The traditional jewelry of the state of Tebessa is an integral part of the jewelry that characterizes the Auras region, and is distinguished from the rest of the jewelry by the presence of long small chains that adorn necklaces, earrings and clasps, and the most commonly traded traditional jewelry in the state of Tebessa is eldjebine, elkhelkhal, elkhlala, elmekyass, necklaces and rings. These jewels are characterized by the presence of drawings and are usually studded with red or colored stones.